Friday 15 May 2009

The heavenly wedding - a song

Here's the lyrics of a song written by my gorgeous and talented husband. It has a great tune too, if you're interested in the music let me know.
A day has been appointed
A table has been laid
A heavenly celebration
The bride in glorious array
A day has been appointed
A feast has been prepared
When God himself will keep his word
To bring us to him there
It is a day of "Hallelujah!"
A new day dawns
The whole world steps into the light
Heaven sings out "Hallelujah!"
Our hope will be rewarded
Our faith will turn into sight
Her groom is waiting for her
He prepared her for this day
He made her robes of beauty
He washed her sins away
And now the night is ended
And evil is no more
Yes God himself has kept his word
And so forever more
It is a day of "Hallelujah!"
A new day dawns
The whole world steps into the light
Heaven sings out "Hallelujah!"
Our hope will be rewarded
Our faith will turn into sight

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