Sunday 19 April 2009

Taboo on heaven

I often wonder about what heaven will be like. Or should I more correctly (to my own theology) say what will the new earth be like, when Jesus reigns in all his glory.
I like to imagine the specifics of what we might do, what abilities might we have, how will we relate to one another and to God... but I've noticed in some circles a resistance to discussing things like this. I've heard it said that it "cheapens" the idea of God's kingdom.
I know I could never imagine what it will be like, but isn't it encouraging to let your imagination run wild and think of the best possible scenario that you can imagine, and know that the reality will be even better?
I like to imagine about best possible scenarios of what heaven could be like, and then take comfort in 1 Corinthians 2:9:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"
Are those people who don't want to imagine the specifics of heaven scared of the real thing not living up to what we've imagined?


Alistair Bain said...

Donna. I love to imagine and talk about what I think the new earth will be like. I let my imagination run absolutely rampant and I find myself preaching about it more and more. There's a real eschatalogical edge in the NT that urges us to look beyond our present sufferings to the future glory.

At the very least I know that all the negatives of this life will be gone.

But I like to think bigger than that. For me, the marriage supper of the lamb imagery is perfect. Sitting down at a boisterously happy table. Reaching for the glass of wine, and realising that Jesus is sitting beside me.

Anonymous said...

You know, I have just been thinking along similar lines...

I wonder if we don't look beyond to the new creation because we are too used to seeing a happy ending here (thanks Hollywood!).

Thus mollified we don't look any further. But when we're not given a happy ending and our path is one of bleakness, then we have little else to look forward to but the indescribable glory of the new heavens and the new earth.

Rachael said...

My kids ask me all the time about what heaven will be like. I say it is like one big party, that goes on forever, with the God who loves us and all of his friends... I think Satan wants us to think that heaven is soft fluffy clouds, harps, halos and boredom. And about just us and our personal happiness. The joy will be corporate, focused, and without end.