Wednesday 11 March 2009

Pithy evangelism

How did a newly converted villager in PNG preach to his friends?
"Follow Jesus and you can have a better house".
On first hearing this every bone in my body screamed "prosperity gospel!" Noooooo!!! Then I wondered how he undid the mess he'd made!
when it was explained to me that the villagers in that particular place only built wooden houses (not brick) because of fear of the spirits. They believed that the spirits wanted easy access into and out of the house, and if they built a concrete house the spirits would be angry. It started making sense to me. This person was preaching freedom in Christ for those who are really following. It would take some guts for them to build a concrete house. Maybe they weren't sure if Jesus really would protect them from the evil spirits. But, in building the house, they are making a concrete (pardon the pun) step of faith. "I trust you Jesus to protect me. I know I am free to build this type of house. I trust you more than my fear of the spirits."
Sure, the rest of the gospel message would have to be nutted out to them along the way, but once they build those houses, and the spirits don't bother them, they're well on their way to trusting Jesus with everything.
This makes me wonder what parts of the gospel are necessary to preach to those who don't know about Jesus? Maybe just "follow Jesus" or an equivalent - like "submit to God" or "trust Jesus"...
What a fantastic model for an evangelistic sermon! I wonder what similar ones would be in our culture? Follow Jesus and never have to worry about your looks again? Follow Jesus and you'll never have to lie again? Trust God to keep your investment secure?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's an awesome story, thanks.