Saturday 5 May 2007

By popular demand...

Here are some more pictures of Oscar, lying on the ground, and heading out for a walk with his new blue hat on.

Often he only goes to sleep (when there is a bit of light in the room) with a hand over his eyes. As you can see he's getting too big for the bassinette, he's 7.3kg and 64cm long! We're getting a cot very soon.
Matt loves reading to him, here he's reading the rhyming bible that we were given - which we love reading, and Oscar likes hearing. He's just learned how to smile in the last few weeks, and so so whenever we chat to him, he gives us a big smile and starts "chatting" back. So far his "talking" consist of lots of strange and not-so-strange vowel sounds, and the odd "ga".
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1 comment:

byron smith said...

Here's one kid who's going to have his linguistic ontogenesis thoroughly mapped!

Glad to have just stumbled across your blog. Great pics. Hope you're well.