Friday 23 December 2005

This is Matt and a church elder handing out sweets on our last day of church - we also gave them our guitar which they were glad to receive since they didn't have one. Posted by Picasa
This is the day we said goodbye to our house help. She and Donna were both very sad - we had seen her six days a week when we were at home. Posted by Picasa

Friday 11 November 2005

Up close with a baby elephant

Yes, this elephant was a baby, it was only about 5 feet high! It shakes the grass around first before putting it into its mouth. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday 8 November 2005

Getting some language survey work done

Matt getting some survey work done with some of our colleagues. They actually just finished about three weeks of hard work - hence the big smiles! Posted by Picasa

The lighter side

I am yet to find out if this cow paid the two rupees for the parking space. Posted by Picasa

The Himalayas

This was taken from near our house, on one of the few days in the year that you can see the mountain from the plains. And no they're not clouds . . .

Saturday 5 November 2005

This is me in front of the Himalayas - we were in Darjeeling for 3 days, and it was fogged in the first two days, but on the third it was very exciting to look out the window and see this!
On the way up the hills, there were various warnings of the dangers of driving too fast along the winding road. This was one of our favorites.
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Friday 4 November 2005

The view that some never got to see. . .

This is the view from the youth hostel that sells the really yummy Tibetan Bread. Mmmmm.... Mike, Kate, Liz, Clare and "Auntie" this is the view that you never got to see. Posted by Picasa

The festival of Diwali

During Diwali festival, people light firecrackers all over the place. On night I went outside to see what all the noise was, and to watch the firecrackers and I found that three candles had been lit outside my door, one on the doorstep and two on the fence, on either side of the gate. I was unknowingly joining in the celebrations as well. It must have been my landlady . . . Posted by Picasa


Jo, Penny and I, with very pretty mountains in the background.