Saturday 25 December 2004

Christmas 2004

This is one of the Christmas feasts we were invited to. It's rice and pork, you can just see, in the black wok, the large pieces of fat which the small pieces of meat are attached to (at first I thought it was cut-up potato the bits of fat were so big). It's the absolute favorite of people in this area - it tasted really good too, though all that fat can't be good for us. Posted by Picasa
This is the church that we go to, we all sit on the floor, gents on the left ladies on the right. Here its decorated for Christmas. Unlike Australia where many Christmas activities are centred around the home, here almost all Christmas activities are at the church, celebrating together, eating together, and sometimes distributing food to those families who are less fortunate. Posted by Picasa
These are some of the friends that we hung out with on the 25th evening. In the absence of a Christmas tree, you can see an exercise bike in the background all strung up with Christmas lights. Posted by Picasa